
Welcome to Steve Whitney (Stephen A. Whitney) and Eleanor Mendoza Whitney's website! We finally axed the old site that exemplified the finest of 1990's web design :-) For the moment, most of our content lies elsewhere.

Visit Our Business Sites

WhitneyApps - Apps for Android devices that "Empower, Encourage, and Engage": website, Facebook, Twitter

Looking Upward Apps - Christian phone and tablet apps: website, Facebook page, Twitter

Personal sites:

Eleanor Mendoza Whitney's personal site - www.EleanorWhitney.com, read her bio

Visit Steve's personal site - www.steve-whitney.com, find him on LinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/in/sawhitney

Find Steve on Twitter, read his "Undercover Pastor" blog, watch his "WhitneyCast" youtube channel

Bible Content Exam site

This is home of Steve's Presbyterian Bible Content Exam study tool.